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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Hidup di Jakarta Itu Mahal Ternyata...

Setelah membaca blognya Indirani tentang survey biaya hidup di Jakarta, gue jadi pengen ngitung pengeluaran gue. Kok agak takjub sih angka mereka bisa sampai Rp.13.000.000 sebulan. Kayaknya gak sampai segitu deh gue. Coba ngitung lagi deh :

Living Cost

  1. Belanja supermarket (termasuk susu anak, dan kebutuhan hidup lainnya) : + 900.000
  2. Belanja pasar basah @ 20.000 perhari : 600.000
  3. Tagihan listrik perbulan : + 315.000
  4. Tagihan PAM : 65.000 (jarang pake air pam)
  5. Tagihan air minum (galon) : 105.000
  6. Tagihan gas masak sebulan (1 tabung habis dalam 3 bulan, jadi harga dibagi 3) : 25.000
  7. Tagihan telpon : + 65.000 (jarang nelpon dari rumah)
  8. Tagihan seluler (Chandra & Rika, prepaid) : 103.000
  9. Cable TV & Internet : 295.000
  10. Kebersihan & keamanan : 50.000
  11. Nanny buat Vira (termasuh uang jajan) : 450.000

Transportation costs

  1. Bensin sebulan : 500.000
  2. Ongkos bengkel (diluar reparasi, 2 bulan sekali jadi dibagi 2 harganya) : 300.000
  3. Cicilan mobil : 750.000

Kalo ditotal : + Rp. 4.523.000 perbulan.
Wuih, naik sekitar 2 kali lipat sejak gue punya Vira. Ini belum nanti kalo Vira dan Arkan masuk Sekolah. Pusing juga ya kalo dihitung. Alhamdulillah kalo gak dihitung kita kok bisa kerasa cukup aja sebulan, merasa sisa lebih malah. Pas dihitung baru kerasa kalo sisa gaji dikit amat yak. Ini aja belum ngitung tabungan pendidikan anak dan Asuransi kesehatan + jiwa + rumah + mobil yang dibayar tiap awal tahun atau 5 tahun sekali. Belum biaya tak terduga macam kondangan dst.

Mahal juga hidup di Jakarta, tapi masih bersyukur masih jauh dibawah angka 13jt.
"Siapa suruh datang Jakarta... siapa suruh datang Jakarta..." *berdendang dengan sumbang*

Silahkan dikomentari, siapa tau punya kiat yang lebih hemat.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Flickr Party : The Report

Group Shot 03
Flickr Party Group Shot

Cafe Au LaitAlhmadulillah, terlaksana juga akhirnya kopdar akhir tahun anggota Flickr yang kali ini berjudul Flickr Party. Acara yang dihadiri 32 anggota flickr (36 if we count in the Flickr babies; Aina, Kei, Kirnana & Noe) ini diadakan di cafe Au Lait di kawasan Cikini, Menteng.

Show Tunes by The Fabulous ChaeraniWe had the usual suspects of Flickr Kopdar, and some new faces. We were happy that this event managed to accomodate Flickr members from abroad like Thalia+Ari+Aina from Singapore, MoRiza from New York, and Baby Karenina Karyadi from Los Angeles, who are currently home in Indonesia for the holidays.

Attraksi utama malam itu adalah the fabulous Chaerani on both piano and accordion, playing show tunes, a crowd pleaser and also popular with the flickr babies. From "la vie en rose" to the theme songs of each Playhouse Disney shows, she played them all.

All and all it was a lovely evening, hope to see more of the flickr gang in the 2009 kopdar, and the Malindo Flickr Kopdar in Solo 2009. In the meanwhile, enjoy the pictures.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


We're Ready...

Calling all Indonesian Flick users for the ultimate year-end Kopdar experience. Meet other flickr members, have great conversation, be entertained, and most of all take lots and lots of pictures.

Come to cafe au lait at Jl.Cikini Raya no.17, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat on Sunday the 28th of December 2008 at 19.00 to 21.00. Free snack (while it last), food and drinks are strictly BSS (bayar sendiri-sendiri). See you there!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Escrow: It's a good idea

As a former freelancer, I know that a freelancer's greatest fear is dodgy clients that could possibly not pay. The same goes with clients that hire freelancers. Clients usually go for the cheapest possible freelancer with good portfolio, those freelancers are mostly new ones that have just left or are still working full time. Its no secret that people who are good at what they do, doesn't necessarily make good freelancers*. These freelancers either miss their deadlines, or just run away, leaving the client high and dry.

From a freelancer's point of view, I'd ask for a 40% down payment. But then as a client, I think, "will I get that 40%'s worth?". So now you have 2 sides in constant battle over what to do. How to approach? will I get paid? Will I get my money's worth. Both sides equally have that risk.

Google they keyword "escrow" now. Wait, I'll make it easy, just click here for English or here for Indonesian.

A brain fart (what I call my ideas, since I have one every hour or so) hit me one October morning in 2007. As you can see, escrow isn't something new, yet is unavailable in Indonesia. I typed up a nifty 240 page business plan for a local escrow company, but none of the 80 people I proposed to took a bite, thats why I'm sharing it here, maybe someone will have more luck.

While not sharing what my business plan is, the basic is that to set up a third party financial institution that clients will put their project money in, and deliver full payment to freelancers. Its that simple. Freelancers reliefs to the idea that their money is there in full and ready to be paid, and the client gets a relief knowing that they won't lose financially if the freelancer bails. When the freelancer finishes his job, he just shows his final work progress to the escrow company that holds a record of the freelancer's job description and release the funds.

What does the escrow company get? How would the business run? Will this be a solution for Freelancers & Clients?
I'll leave those answers to your imagination.

Monday, December 08, 2008

So That Others May Study

Last Wednesday (December 3rd 2008) I signed an MOU with the Raflesia foundation and Bina Insani foundation to educate street children, giving them a college education to earn a degree.

MasTer (Masjid Terminal) is a group of people who give school education to the homeless & street children. Those who have a hunger to learn and have received their high school diploma from MasTer will be sent to study with us for free.

So That Others May Study

Trianandra provides free books, staff and docent. We got cheap rent from Raflesia foundation of 250.000 a month to use their facilites consisting of one class and an office at their school in Depok.

If you would like to support by donating to our programme, a child's tuition costs Rp.60.000 per month to study. Each child studies for 3 years. The tuition money will pay for the docent's transport (docents teach for free), rent, electricity, water, and sylabus.

Contact Dani at Trianandra at +6221 4754412 for more information on how you can help out or donate to our programme.

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Bericara di FreSh 4 - Freelancer vs Job Publishers

FreSh (Freedom of Sharing) adalah komunitas lokal yang berkembang bagi mereka yang bekerja khususnya di industri kreatif & internet. Komunitas ini sudah beberapa kali mengadakan pertemuan (dimana selalu bentrok dengan jadwal mengajar saya), namun pada pertemuan ke-4 mereka, tema yang diangkat adalah; "Freelancers vs Job Publishers". Selain merasa tertantang untuk datang, kebetulan belum ada pembicara dari sisi Job Publishers.

Chandra: Set your terms!
FreSh 4 : the usual suspects by Chandra Marsono, on Flickr FreSh 4 : om Harry's Presentation FreSh 4 : Group Shot!! FreSh 4 : Group Shot!!

Presentasi yang saya bawakan sebetulnya menyentuh dua dunia, yaitu Freelancer dan Job Publisher. Dari sisi freelancers adalah kepentingan untuk mengorganisir pekerjaan dan memproteksi diri dari client, sedangkan dari sisi job publisher adalah mengenai memulai usaha, basic management dan memperlakukan freelancer baik sebagai tenaga kerja yang penting dan memproteksi diri dari freelancer nakal.

Presentasi malam itu bisa dilihat di SlideShare.com
Selain aku, ada beberapa pembicara lain dari rekan freelancer seperti Aria Rajasa dan Harry JH yang membawakan topik-topik menarik (walau pas Aria hampir selesai presentasi, aku baru datang)

Related Links:
- Chicken Strip 129: Client From Hell
- FreSh! 4.0: Berbagi Pengalaman Seputar Dunia Freelance
- Detik i-Net: FreSh Berbagi Pengalaman Seputar Dunia Freelance
- “Freelancer VS Jobs Publisher” @FreSh!
- FreSh 4.0

Friday, December 05, 2008

Father & Son Moment

While the girls were still asleep, I took Arkan in my arms and sat together while he slowly wakes up from the sunrise. We sat together looking at each other. I don't know whats going on in his mind, but mine was in complete disbelief; "This little guy is my son".

Me & My Boy

There is no manual for fatherhood, so I hope I can be the best for Arkan.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

IndoDefence 2008

Look Ma, I Have A Gun!
Holding the SS2, Indonesia's latest main combat rifle made by Pindad.

IndoDefense 2008 is Indonesia's premiere weapons and defense exhibition, held once every two years by Napindo. I went to the last one in 2006, and may I say that the 2008 event was way better than I expect (seeing that the IndoDefense 2006 didn't please me much).
Held at the Airforce's Halim Perdanakusuma Airport, this year's event had airshows and proper vehicle demostrations. Its 3 times better and bigger than the last event held in Kemayoran. The main theme is also about local defense, vehicle and weapons manufacturers.
I arrived on the 2nd day of the show which was opened to guests and industry professionals. Being located in an airforce base, I had to pass several checkpoints. Some are polite, one is annoying (probably because unlike the others, he works alone and in no shades). I got through and registered.
My entrance to the exhibition grounds was welcomed by an F16B rushing just above me. That is just so cool. Unfortunately it was their final pass, so the next thing I know it was landing. Wished I could've enjoyed it more.

CN235-220 MPA Surveilance & Control
CN235-220MPA (Maritime Patrol Aircraft) made by PTDI

The CN235-220 MPA caught my eye as I walked into the runway. Its PTDI's latest variant of their CN235 aircraft, this one made for maritime surveilance, the first in Asia. Armed with Thales radar, Buble obeservation windows, FLIR (forward looking infra-red), and a high resolution video and topographic camera. These will be operated by the Navy in 2010, replacing the old CN212.

Next are the NBO150 attack hellicopters and the Huey Bell412, both retrofitted since both toys are made in the 70s. Able to carry heftier payloads and re-armored with twaron, no avionics nor sensing capabilites are upgraded. Just stronger engines, tougher resistance and more guns.

TNI AD's NBO105 Retrofit Bell Huey 412 Retrofit
Rocket's Point of View

On show also outside were two APS6x6 APC tanks, both manufactured by PT.Pindad and electronically enhanced by PT.LEN. Shown were the Army's and UN version. There were also noteable vehicles made by local manufacturers, but the APS6x6 is the show stealer. Even the Renault's star, the mighty Sherpa A3 wasn't getting that much attention.

APS 6x6 Panser APS 6x6 Panser : UN Edition

Other impressive feats were the airforce research lab's UAV and Lapan's rockets. Pindad also brought a full size mockup of their future 6x6 light tank. The exhibition was followed by several Asian and European countries. I'm really hoping to see the next one in 2010.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Joy of Teaching

I don't know why I took such a long hiatus from teaching, it feels great and something I really love doing.
Last night was my second week teaching both graduate and post graduates on "International Aspects of Management" at the Sampoerna Strategic Square, and I really enjoyed it. I love the interaction, motivating people who were shy to speak up, sharing my views, knowledge, etc. I have no Idea why I stopped.

The last time I taught in a class was 2 years ago. I had no complaints back then, I just stopped because I had a big project with a permanent client. But after that project finished, I didn't know why I didn't get back on the horse again.

To my friends, colleague, or whoever read this, take a stab at teaching. The satisfaction is more than you could ever expect.

Friday, November 07, 2008

Birth of Arkan Marsono

Me & My Boy

Happy to announce the birth of our baby boy: Kaendra Arkan Dewanta Marsono. Born through normal procedure, weighing at 4.25kg and 51cm tall, born on Friday, November 7th 2008.

First Look of Arkan
The Happy Parents

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Minal Aidzin Wal Faidzin

Maaf karena sudah lama tak posting.
Maaf karena sok sibuk dengan segunung pekerjaan.
Maaf karena tidak sering nengok ke blog teman-teman.
Minal Aidzin Wal Faidzin. Mohon maaf hamba ini yang penuh dengan kekurangan.

All things aside, we had an awesome Eidul Fitri, and we hope you all had one too.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

An update...

Wow, its been a while since I last updated.
I've been really busy lately, and with the new baby coming and all, things have been hectic recently. I'm just poping in to give a shout all that I'm still kicking and I'll hopefully update as soon as I get the chance.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Beachy Weekend

We went to Ancol beach on Saturday Morning.
My little girl wasn't feeling well, her cough hasn't stopped, and my mom said that a good morning sea air should help a lot, and she was right.
Ancol beach itself has grown. Unfortunatelly it still site between Jakarta's poluted harbour to the east and factories to the west. you can still see them in the horizon. But for the moment, enjoy the pictures.

Dermaga Ancol

You Can't Fish Here Fisherman's Wharf Beach Bums Dermaga Ancol

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Mari Menggambar Dan Mewarnai

Did the illustration above using Adobe Illustrator CS.

Started colouring process on Adobe Photoshop:
  1. Basic skin tone
  2. Lip tone plus gloss
  3. Facial mapping, showing height, lighter colour means higher terrain
  4. Using the smudge tool from Photoshop, carefully smooth out the skin
  5. Finished smudging process, needs a lot of patience, did this in an hour
  6. Adding volume to the eyes, chin, and jaw. Added red corners of the eyes
  7. Make small white dots and pull them out with the smudge tool using the smallest brush. Takes time. If you have Alien skin plug-in, you can use the "Fur" option to go faster.
  8. Giving volume to hair, erase parts that are low adjusting to light

And Finito....
What do you think?

Monday, April 14, 2008

Duh, anak gue nyanyi dangdut...

Ini nih akibat terlalu sering ikut kakeknya. Tiap pagi sambil kakeknya nyuci mobil, dia pasti di dalam mobil main sambil mendengarkan musik-musik favorit kakeknya, yang notabene: dangdut bok. Alhasil anak gue apal lagu-lagu dangdut. Ampun DJ....

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Rika's Graduation

Setelah 4 tahun mencari uang untuk mengkuliahkan istri, akhirnya lulus juga dia. Bangga banget bok, capek cari duit langsung ilang seketika, gimana ya rasanya pas ntar anak gue lulus kuliah?

Monday, March 24, 2008

My Wife is Pregnant Again!!!

Am I a baby making machine or what??
Just 1,5 months after Rika and I decided to have a new baby, and boom, we got it. I'm like ecstatic with joy and happiness. I'm going to be a dad, again. Yay...

Please pray for us and wish that the baby will be healthy and grows, because the first 3 months of pregnancy is a very decisive moment. :-D

Thursday, February 28, 2008

My Parent's 39th Anniversary

A year shy of their 40th, my parents celebrated their 39th wedding anniversary last Sunday at our Villa in Puncak. Everyone was there, my brothers and sisters with their in-laws and mine, and not forgeting the grandkids, all 6 of them.

Happy Anniversary Mami & Papi
Horsey Ride
Rika and I bought them chocolate mocca cheese cake (wow) from help celebrate. After the photo sessions, so on and so forth, the whole family spent some time hiking to anearby village and a river not too far from the Villa. Vira, Rika, Natasha and Nina even took a horse ride.

The Villa has a big garden with a few swings and slides, so the kids aren't bored, plus I got them some soaps and loops for them to blow bubbles on.

But while almost all the family was outside, we had an unwanted visitor sneaking in the Villa. Somehow he sneaked in and stole my dad's Nokia Communicator phone. It kinda put a stop on our smiles for the day.

We didn't let it effect us too much, we had a good rest of the day before we left for home. That thief will have his day one day, a fate worse than just a missing phone.

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker