First Date?
I'm not going to sit around and think about "what could be" nor be sorry for myself. Yeah, I had that "moment" in my car during Jakarta's traffic jam yesterday. Thinking too much will kill you they said.
I grabbed my trusty (oh, so need a new phone right now) Nokia 5110 and called Rika. Yup, that girl I met last week at the movies. I charmed her into having coffee with me after work, and maybe catch a movie afterwards. She said yes (I still got it), which was enough to pace my heart like Indy 500.
After I hung up, I kinda thought to myself: "I hope this is not my sub concious looking for a rebound. Coz, I really like this girl. Well, we'll just let time see.
I picked her up at her office after 5 and took her to the Gading Mall. We had coffee at the Dome and chatted a bit. I was a bit tired after a long meeting that afternoon, so I kinda stick to the humor and asking stuff about her. Not too much hard talk stuff. We had some laughs and I do find her interesting. We didn't catch a movie that night, but I did drove her home.
All I can say is that I had a great time.