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Thursday, December 06, 2007

Payday Ritual

Horee... Its Payday.
Unlike most people, 80% of my pay goes directly to my wife's account. 20% is for me to pay my credit cards, insurance, etc. Don't feel like having a debt collector knocking on your door or cellphone ever (anti banget), and insurance is a must for me, although I don't get sick often, but its good to know I'm covered.

So the first days of payday is spent wisely paying bills and feeling proud, the next day is finding out the rest of that 20% is now only about 5%....

WTF? Is that all that's left??!??!!

Well at least I don't have to worry about buying food and clothes, etc, thats Rika's department (since I give her most of my pay). Well that's my monthly payday ritual, how's yours?


Wati said...

like my father did to mom (may their souls rest in peace)..

Anonymous said...

i stopped transfering money when my wife's salary was higher than mine, and she kept complaining that i spent too much money for unnecessary things and didn't want to be the treasurer anymore :)

Chrisna Idawati said...

Wah lagi kebetulan mampir baca cerita yg menarik mengenai payday.
Kok baik ya mas Mas Chandra Marsono? Kalau suami saya pas payday terbalik, yang di kasih ke saya cuman 30 % ajah soalnya dia yg harus bayar mortgage, gas, listrik, air, dll. Kalau mau beli2 baju atau yang lain2 personal malahan suka2 pakai gaji sendiri tuh. Tapi ya udah gak apa2 kok, syukur sudah di cukupkan. Kalau health insurance coverage udah di potong langsung dari gaji... suami juga malahan sekaligus sama life insurance and dental. Jadi kalau kadang2 keluar uang sendiri ya udah deh gak apa2. Gitu nggak?

Chandra Marsono™ said...

Saya gak banyak pengeluaran sih, asal kredit lunas, investasi nambah dan mobil diservis, gue happy. Gajiku memang 70% disetor ke istri, sebetulnya karena gue sadar gue boros, apalagi kalo masuk toko harware store, toko furniture, apalagi toko mainan, waaa kalap. Kalo diistri semua kan, mau beli barang bilang dulu, hehehehe...

Ada sidejob sih, translating films yg gue lakuin malam hari, lumayan sebulan nambahin 1-2 jt, kalo yang ini biasanya buat gue aja buat hal macam nabung buat peli peripheral komputer, beli laptop, atau lainnya, tapi gaji hampir semua ke istri.

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