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Friday, July 15, 2005

a song of joy...

"Going to the mosque and we're....gonna get married..... Going to the mosque and we're.... gonna get married....."


Saturday, July 09, 2005

Frames are Done

The frames I ordered are here. I spent the whole night fitting the photos and poster to it last night. I made 10 frames for the wedding, don't they look nice. They cost me $6 each, I just love looking at them, they'll look great at the reception.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

The Invitations

They're finally done and rushed to the printers. Should be sent out before next week. You guys have a sneak preview of it, enjoy.

If it looks a bit unbalanced, its because the crop marks aren't visible. The sides will be folded inside.

I tried to make the map as Old-School as possible. I Took some samples from old Batavia Maps that I found the National Library. I even printed the invitation using old spellings.

This is the information about our wedding, it has our dates, location, etc. If your invitation should get lost or something, please take note here, we want you to come, really!

A new light... a new day...

Sinar pagi menghampiri saat ku bangun dari tidurku, idung rada meler (kena flu) dan batuk-batuk keras menyertai. Sounds like an awful morning. Semua itu luluh terkena kopi panas di pagi hari, bukan iklan tapi secangkir nescafe dan 2 sendok teh gula cukup untuk mengajak-ngajak nyawa ku pada ngumpul walau belek dimata ini hanya bisa dikalahkan oleh nikmatnya mandi pagi. Inilah hari minggu ku.

Hari ini dimulai dengan nonton DVD yang kubeli kemaren di ITC. Bajakan lah, its a way of life. semua itu berlangsung hingga 9.30 dimana sebuah rutinitas "Pre-Wedding" mulai berlanjut. Hari ini ke penjahit baju nikah pacarku. 1 jam perjalanan cukup membuat perut ini minta diisi senada dengan suara-suara para cacing perut yang kelaparan. Namun sebuah sesi make-out dirumah dari tersayangku makes up for my trouble hari ini. Sayang cuma sebentar, soalnya kegiatan rutinnya berlanjut. I should be happy jadwal rutinku habis, tapi sad karena punyanya baru dimulai. Damn.

Sore hari setelah sebuah sesi chatting di internet dan beberapa sesi molor dengan hanya seutas kolor, aku mengakhiri rutinitasnya dengan jemputan. Lumayan, dekat sanggar tarinya ada somay enak. Walau demikian acara malam ini untuk ke 21 nonton film terbaru Will smith gagal karena... flu yang dia dapat dariku. Ironis amat. Oh well. That is my day. How is your's?

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Korean Airlines' new Uniform

Korean Air's New Advertisement (2005)

Advertising an airline has not reached this level since the SouthWestern Airlines days in the 1970s. Sure, Singapore airlines and others may have advertised about their pretty stewardess, but not their sense in fashion. Since the airline industry is about service, then advertisements like this does make a fashion statement, You'll feel you are on a high class airline and makes that high cost of airline ticket feel a lot better. It's not your usual airline advertisement, but it is eye catching and superbly done, without a sense of being naughty, but more professional.

Their new way of corporate advertising is more interesting that what most airline advertise, as you can see is a step above their old advertising that is like everyone else's. Kimchi Anyone?

Korean Air's Old Advertisement (2003)

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Layanan Masyarakat khas Indonesia

Gue dah 3 minggu nunggu bikin KTP belum jadi juga. Kampreeeeet. Tiap kali gue mo ambil bilangnya pak lurahnya belum tanda tangan dan sedang keluar. Keluar melulu, ngga' kerja kali ya. Pemerintah Indonesia tuh korup waktu abis, lelet dan perlu di tendangin kali ya pantatnya. Saat ini paling cuma bisa bilang: kampret!

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Final Design For Wedding

After slaving a week of hand drawing, vectoring in illustrator and finishing touches using photoshop, this is the final design for my wedding Invitation, sort of a Star Wars meets Betawi action. I'm having the whole wedding ceremony as authetically Betawi as possible, so this is the base for what everything will look like, I want the same atmosphere.

I hope you guys like it, coz Rika and I love it. I'll post the invitation as soon as its done.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Work In Progress

Masih dalam proses sketsa dan pewarnaan kasar. Detail dan highlight belum sama sekali. Nyabar ya... nikahnya masih beberapa bulan lagi kok. :D

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker